Young Adults
Grateful Table is a young adult ministry for college-age students and anyone in the 20s/30s age range. It is a place where we can continuously grow in our relationship with God and one another. We gather bi-weekly on Sundays at 12 p.m. in the Chapel to share some wholesome fun by coming together around the table for a meal and faith-filled conversation.
Equipping young adults on their journey to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.
Stay Connected
with everything that is going on in Grateful Table. Follow us on Facebook at the link below.
Grateful Table Small Groups
We have several groups that are a part of our Young Adult Ministry here at First. Check them out below to see where you can get involved!
Crafting Group- This group meets once a month for a night of fellowship and creating their favorite craft designs. The next meeting is Tuesday, January 28th 6:30 pm (Wesley Hall).
Young Adult Board Game Night: This is a fun night of board games and fellowship. We meet on the second Sunday, of the month at 6 pm in Wesley Hall.