All Year


SAGES (Senior Adults: Growing, Exploring, Serving)

2nd Wednesdays, 11:30 am, Multi-Purpose Room

A large group that meets for food, fellowship, and learning opportunities from great speakers. Call the church office to RSVP for lunch.

Read @ First

3rd Tuesdays, 5:30 pm, Library

A monthly book club that discusses faith-based and other works of fiction and non-fiction. Still room for more folks!

September - May

Triple F: Food, Fun, Fellowship

A group of couples and individuals meets monthly for “Food, Fun, and Fellowship.” Many great friendships have been formed from this group, and anyone is welcome! Open to adults of all ages.

Dine with 9 Small Groups

Small groups of adults who meet monthly for a time of devotion, fellowship, and food. The goal is to grow in connection.

United Women in Faith Circles

United Women in Faith Circles gather for fellowship, service, and spiritual development.

Rachel Circle: 3rd Thursdays at 9:30 am (Friendship Room) - JoAnn Buchanan-Espeland

Rebecca Circle: 3rd Thursdays at 7:00 pm (Fireplace Room) - Elaine DeGroot

Nancy Circle: 4th Mondays @ 6:30pm (Offsite) - Cynthia McConniel


All Year


Hallenbeck Bible Study

Wednesdays, 2:15pm, Zoom
A group that meets online to connect for a time of prayer, fellowship, and study.

Tuesday Refresh

Tuesdays, 12:00pm, Fireplace Room
An adult group meets weekly for fellowship, devotions, book studies, and exploration of sermon series topics.

September - May

Adult Bible Study

Wednesdays, 6:00 pm, Fireplace Room

This group of men and women dive into the Bible and other topics, asking how it applies to our daily lives.

New Member Classes

Wednesdays, 7:15pm, Fireplace Room

Our six-week new member course goes through Adam Hamilton’s book “The Walk.” We also delve into spiritual gifts and what it means to be a United Methodist. Contact Pastor Jordan or the church office if you are interested.

Women’s Bible Study

Wednesdays, 9:30 am, Fireplace Room

A large group of women meet for fellowship, connection, and spiritual transformation.

Higgins Bible Study

2nd and 4th Tuesdays, 8:30 am, Fireplace Room

A group of men meets for fellowship and Bible study.

Jans Bible Study

Wednesdays, 6:00 pm, Library

This group of adults meets on Wednesdays @ 6:00 pm to discuss the Bible and various books. Many in the group serve together at our Feeding SD food distribution on the 1st Wednesday of every month.

AMen’s Fellowship

1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 12:00 pm, Library

A group of men meets over lunch to discuss what is going on in their lives and how God speaks to us.

Lunch ‘n’ Learns

4th Sundays, 12-1:30 pm, Fireplace Room

A group that gathers together to dive deep into theological topics and issues of justice and mercy.

Grateful Table

2nd and 4th Sundays, 6:00pm, Chapel

A young adult ministry for college kids and anyone in the 20s/30s age range, where we can continuously grow in our relationship with God and with one another. We gather to share in some wholesome fun by coming together as a community around the table for a meal and faith-filled conversation.