Date: 1/5/25

Sermon Title: Why Am I Here?

Text: John 3:1-9

Focus: Why am I here? Asking this question opens us up to God’s purpose for our lives.

Preacher: Pastor Sara

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin & G3 Guide Watch: Traditional Unity Modern 

DDate: 1/12/25

Sermon Title: What is a “Purpose”?

Text: Matthew 5:13-16

Focus: We have a lot of misconceptions about what purpose is. Finding our purpose is about discovering who God has uniquely created us to be and how our own gifts can serve others in any given moment.

Preacher: Pastor Brandon Vetter

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin & G3 Guide Watch: Traditional Unity Modern

Date: 1/19/25

Sermon Title: Purpose is Present

Text: Matthew 14:13-21

Focus: To discover our purpose, we must not focus only on the future, but also pay attention to the present. What do we have to offer right now, and who needs it? When we offer what we have now, we find – often to our surprise – that our purpose begins to come into focus.

Preacher: Pastor Sara

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin & G3 Guide Watch: Traditional Unity Modern 

Date: 1/26/25

Sermon Title: No Time is Wasted

Text: Exodus 16:1-12

Focus: When we don’t have the answer to where we are going, we often feel like we are wandering and “wasting time.” But with God, no time is wasted. In our wandering, God offer us an opportunity to explore new possibilities through acts of creativity, wonder, and play.

Preacher: Pastor Sara

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin & G3 Guide Watch: Traditional Unity Modern 

Summary: Have you ever asked this question: Why am I here? Trying to discover the purpose of our lives can lead to a lot of questions: Who am I? Do I have a “calling”? What am I supposed to do with my life? What does purposeful living look like? Often, the world is all too ready to give us answers to these questions – promising that finding the perfect job or achieving the next milestone will make us happy. But in this series, we will embrace these questions as an invitation to discover what God wants to do with the story of our lives right now.