We welcome you to join the Chancel Choir!
For more information, please email our Music Director, Kiley Coyne.
The Chancel Choir has a longstanding history of providing music and liturgical leadership to Sioux Falls First United Methodist Church. This group will perform anything from traditional sacred music and anthems to modern choral arrangements. Our goal is to provide a meaningful worship service through the power of music.
The choir will be accompanied by the piano and other instrumentalists, including flutes, the organ, brass players, and percussionists.
The Chancel Choir rehearses every Wednesday evening from 7:00 - 8:00 PM and performs every Sunday morning during the school year.
When and where does the Chancel Choir rehearse?
The choir rehearses every Wednesday evening from 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM in the choir room. Our regular season is from the last Wednesday in August through the Sunday before Memorial Day.
When does the Chancel Choir perform?
The Chancel Choir performs every Sunday during the in-season at the 9:45 AM Unity Service. On the first Sunday of each month (Communion Sunday), the choir will also perform at the 8:30 AM Traditional Service in addition to the 9:45 Unity Service.
What time must I be at the church on performance days?
For all Sundays except the first Sunday of each month, the choir arrives at 9:15 AM in the choir room to prepare for the 9:45 service. On Communion Sundays (the first Sunday of each month), the choir will arrive at 7:45 AM to prepare for the 8:30 AM service and stay through the 9:45 AM service.
Is there an audition to be in the Chancel Choir?
No, there is no audition! But you should be able to read music.
Do I have to be a member of First Church?
You are not required to be a member of First Church
How do I join the choir?
Come to our first rehearsal! If you missed the first one, please email Kiley Coyne to join during the season.
Does the choir wear robes?
Yes, but only for the double service on Communion Sunday. Every other Sunday, you may wear your normal church clothing. Robes are provided, and you will get fitted at the first Communion Sunday.
Can I be in the Chancel Choir and the other musical ensembles at First United?
Yes! We encourage it!
At the end of every choir season, we have a sign-up list for anyone willing to perform “special music” on Sundays during the summer. You can sing a solo, form a duet, trio, or quartet, or play an instrument. We welcome all talent to perform at our Sunday services in the summer.
At the end of every choir season, we have a sign-up list for anyone willing to perform “special music” on Sundays during the summer. You can sing a solo, form a duet, trio, or quartet, or play an instrument. We welcome all talent to perform at our Sunday services in the summer.