Date: 1/28/24

Sermon Title: The Great Commandment (value statement)

Text: Matthew 22:37-40

Focus: The Great Commandment is a core value at First Church. How are we living into God’s call to grow in our love of God and neighbor?

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin Watch: Traditional Unity Modern 

Date: 2/4/24

Sermon Title: The Great Commission (value statement)

Text: Matthew 28:19-20

Focus: The Great Commission is a core value at First Church. How are we living into God’s call to grow in making disciples of Jesus Christ?

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin Watch: Traditional Unity Modern 

Date: 2/11/24

Sermon Title: The Great Proclamation (value statement)

Text: Luke 4:16-21

Focus: The Great Proclamation is a core value at First Church. How are we living into God’s call to grow in transforming the world for Jesus Christ?

Download the 8:30 & 9:45 a.m. Bulletin Watch: Traditional Unity Modern 

This three-week sermon series will focus on the core values of our church which are based upon the “Three Greats” from scripture. During his ministry, Jesus taught and proclaimed the good news through parables, interpretation of Scripture, and other teachings and commands. Included in that are the great commandment, the great commission, and the great proclamation. These gospel imperatives lay the foundation for our core values as a congregation and undergird our missional priorities, for they help us to live out our mission, vision, and what we believe God is calling us to at First Church in the next five years.