May "Love the 605"

Love the 605 is all about showing the love of our God to our neighbors around us. The Teddy Bear Den is helping young mothers in our community start out well, providing necessities for them with dignity. There are 1,750 women currently enrolled in the program, which provides incentives to women to engage in healthy care of themselves and their children ages 0-2. There are a few different ways you can help The Teddy Bear Den this month.

1. You can support this organization through monetary donations, making your checks out to First Church with The Teddy Bear Den in the memo line.

2. Come to worship @ The 11:01 on Sunday, May 8, where we will be putting together mom & baby bags to give to the Teddy Bear Den. We will deliver the bags later in May. Part of your monetary gifts toward The Teddy Bear Den this month will be going toward this tangible gift.

3. Hold The Teddy Bear Den in your prayers.

4. You can also volunteer with The Teddy Bear Den by filling out a volunteer application on their website. Please check them out as they are doing great work in our community. Let’s keep loving the 605 in 2022!